Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)



1) Will There Be a Book List Given to RIZQ Learners?

For most of the subjects learnt at RIZQ, we draw our resources from such a wide range of media, including books, work schemes and the Internet. Hence, we do not require the parents to purchase textbooks. However, parents may be asked to provide textbooks for a few of the core subjects options. The specific subjects’ teachers will supply the required list. For Language, Islamic Knowledge and Memorisation of Quran subject there are a number of recommended websites and books, which the teachers may draw upon. The lists can be found on our website under the Curriculum > primary >  resources tab. Each year, the group site may also provide links for research resources that are specifically needed for a unit of work. Please note that this is not a complete list of the resources that the teachers use, neither should it be taken as a substitute of the curriculum goals.

2) Is There a Home-school Communication Book and Will It Be Checked?

Some year groups use the communication book as a way of communicating between home and school. However, it is important that learners are told when conveying  a message to the teacher as they are not automatically checked and teachers do not have much time to check all the blue books. An email is generally a more reliable and quicker form of communication. Each year group also maintains a website where specific year group information can be disseminated.

3) Does RIZQ Have a Reading Scheme?

Yes, and learners use it when they were beginning readers and developing their reading skills. However, once the learners are proficient at reading, they will be guided to choose an appropriate ‘Free reader’. Class teachers and librarians will monitor the reading books that the learners may choose.

4) Is There a Library Session?

Yes, each class is timetabled to spend 40minutes in the library each week. The library will of course be open at other times and learners are encouraged to use it as and when required.

5) What languages are offered for the Primary Learners?

Bahasa Malaysia, English Language and Arabic Language are offered as focus languages for Grade 3 to 6 (3 sessions per week). In Grade 1 and 2, the learners are encouraged to focus more on Bahasa Malaysia and English Language. All children will have one Bahasa Integration session per week. (Please contact the class teacher for more information on this program).

6) Where Can I Get the Information about PE or Language Lessons?

The subject specialist teachers can all be contacted via email (check the website for addresses). Alternatively, the class teacher can help you to contact the subject specialist teachers.

7) What KIQ Topics Will My Child Be Learning This Year?

We try to give as much information as we can in the Curriculum letters that are sent to parents each term. In addition, you will receive a letter detailing the learning goals addressed before the beginning of each new topic. An overview of the yearly curriculum maps can be found on the website. The whole school and KIQ route map are also displayed in the school.

8) How Can I Observe What My Child Has Been Doing in Class?

Our learners are generally excellent in explaining their own learning activities so parents may ask them – “What have you learnt today?” or “What challenges you faced you today?” Teachers are also available to talk with you at times, please be advised to make an appointment first. Many of the classes have wonderful displays both inside and outside of the class, so please do have a look. Also, the year group sites showcase your children’s learning so you may want to check on the websites.

9) How Does RIZQ Evaluate the Learners?

Assessment is fundamental to learning at RIS. Formative Assessment or Assessment for Learning means that we are constantly working with the learners to find out what they already know, what they have learnt and what they need to learn next. We, as teachers have several tools to help us with this: some of these tools are the Records Learner Progress grids (RLPs) and the online tool from the RIS students-teachers portal.

We also use several standardised tests in order to forecast each learner’s future achievement and provide us an idea in comparingthe real achievement and their forecasted result, as well as comparison with other learners of the same age. These tests are conducted at the beginning and end of the school year.

Reports are sent to parents on a regular basis. A copy of the Assessment for Learning progress is sent to parents at the end of each KIQ theme and termly progress reports are sent to parents for Personal Goals.We use the assessment markers of beginning, developing and mastering categories.

10) What Activities Are Available for Learners During the Morning Exercise?

Between 8.00am and 8.25am, we expect all learners to be actively involved in mini exercise. Morning mini exercise starts at 8.05am each morning and the table below shows what is on offer for the different year groups.

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